
Chanel and Chelsey became instantly best friends. Before you knew it they went shopping together and were going clubbing . Chelsey even tried persuading Chanel to move over to Dubai but Chanel told her she had a life to live back in the US. After Chanel told Chelsey she became furious with her and said to forget they were even friend . Once Chanel lost her one friend, she had gotten close to she decided it was time to go home. Chanel went to the airport ready to depart back to Washington Dulles Int’l until she realized she didn’t have her passport. She began to wonder where was the last time she seen it or had it then she remembered when Chelsey came to her room one day she had it laying on the dresser at the Hotel, and figured out that. Chelsey stole her passport because of her rough life that Chanel didn't know about.

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